
  • How do I obtain a BSN?
  • BSN number
  • Local Registration Service
How do I obtain a BSN?

A BSN is a unique personal registration number for any interaction with the Dutch authorities, getting paid, being entitled to benefits, but also for opening a bank account and taking out a health insurance.

Anywr Netherlands gladly assists with obtaining a BSN.

BSN number

Registering at the local municipality is how one obtains a BSN. After the town hall registration visit, you will receive your personal public service number, either immediately or a certain period of time after. This depends on the municipality’s process flow.

When a BSN is required, but your stay is less than 4 months, you will be able to apply for a BSN at one of the 19 municipalities which are authorized to register you in the Register Non Inhabitants (RNI). Should you extend your stay, you are required to change your registration at the town hall from non-resident to the status of long-stay-resident.

Local Registration Service

Our team provides valuable service when it comes to this important step of the relocation process. We provide clear instructions about the documents needed for local registration or for the registration of non inhabitants. We will coordinate and accompany (if agreed) the appointment in order to make sure the process runs smoothly. In many cases you’ll receive your BSN immediately, if not, you’ll receive it within a few weeks.

Let us unburden you and make your relocation to the Netherlands a stressfree experience!

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