Anywr Netherlands makes moves so you don’t have to!

We assist companies with the successful onboarding, retention and departure of their international employees in the Netherlands.

We follow these principles, both in our cooperation with you and internally:

We listen and we are flexible​

  • We want to get to know your/your employees’/our external partners’/our colleagues expectations. Step into the other person’s shoes to understand the situation.​
  • We strive for continuous improvement, please do share your feedback with us!

We have a customer-focused approach; your (employee’s) best interest is our priority  

  • We always advise on the best option for the client, even if this requires more effort from us​.
  • Sometimes it’s better to (politely) say no​.

We do what we say and say what we do

  • We are transparent in our communication.
  • We keep you updated on the progress of your relocation(s).
  • We comply with the Dutch law.
  • No bribery, no corruption.​
  • We work towards a minimal carbon footprint.
  • We welcome clients and employees, regardless of their race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual and political orientation or possible handicap.

We feel it as our passion to make your employees feel welcome in the Netherlands. Due to our assistance they will have their focus on work sooner.

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