Relocation Orientation

Whether your employee is a global nomad or a first time relocatee, relocating to a new country remains an exciting time.

Our Relocation Orientation Services will ease the relocation, arrival and settlement of your employee.We offer various Orientation Programmes:

  • Pre Move Orientation Tour; based on an intake call we offer information on the cost of living in the Netherlands, show sample houses that fit into the future housing budget, make appointments at schools (if applicable), discuss the pros and cons of living in the Netherlands and specific regions of choice, etc.
  • Exploration Tour; a customised orientation upon arrival. Together with your employee we review the expected lifestyle; security, housing, childcare, schooling, shopping, transport, and recreational activities and availability of the above in the preferred areas.
  • Neighbourhood Orientation Tour; this tour helps your employee to settle in and get familiar with the new neighbourhood. There is plenty of room to integrate specific requests into the tour. Our team makes sure that the new neighbourhood will quickly feel like “home sweet home”!
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