New government in the Netherlands

A new government of the Netherlands – plans for immigration and housing

The new government of the Netherlands, formed by a coalition of four parties, presented comprehensive plans to address pressing issues in immigration and housing, which were published on May 15, 2024.

The new government is expected to be installed by the end of June 2024.

New Government of the Netherlands: Immigration Plans

Below you will find a summary of the new government’s plans relevant to companies in the Netherlands that employ highly skilled migrants (expats).

Stricter Requirements for Highly Skilled Migrants

The coalition has agreed that the requirements for highly skilled migrants will become stricter, though we do not know specific details yet. It is important to note that EU legislation will come into effect in the coming months, making significant changes unlikely.

Limitations for Foreign Students

The new Dutch government plans to limit migration for educational purposes, except for studies that address personnel shortages. This will result in more programs being taught in Dutch. Additionally, there will be a numerus fixus (quota) for international students, restrictions on obtaining scholarships, and an increase in tuition fees for non-EU students.

Naturalization Requirements

Currently, foreign nationals can apply for naturalization after five years of residence in the Netherlands. This period will be extended to ten years. The civic integration exam will have stricter requirements, including a B1 level of Dutch proficiency and knowledge about the Holocaust and its victims.

Prospective Dutch citizens will have to renounce their original nationality, where possible.

New Government of the Netherlands: Housing Plans

To address the housing crisis, the government has proposed several initiatives to increase the availability and affordability of housing. Below are the most relevant measures for employees moving to the Netherlands:

Optimizing Existing Housing Stock

The government plans to make better use of available housing stock by converting offices, adding extra building layers to existing buildings, creating more apartments within single homes, promoting home-sharing, and allowing residential use of recreational properties.

Building More Homes

The government aims to build at least 100,000 new homes annually.

Affordable Housing Distribution

In areas where new homes are built, one-third will be designated as social housing, and two-thirds will be affordable housing for mid-range incomes.

Incentives for Landlords

Measures will be introduced to encourage landlords to rent out their properties by reducing regulations and possibly lowering tax burdens.

Stability for Homeowners

There will be no changes affecting homeowners, to maintain market stability.


These initiatives represent a significant effort by the new government to address two of the country’s most urgent issues, aiming for a more sustainable and equitable future in the Netherlands.

However, it’s not sure if all measures are realistic. We’ll keep you updated on the changes to come.

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